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Supervisory data protection authorities

Supervisory data protection authorities

The data protection supervisory authorities are independent bodies whose task it is to make sure that data protection laws are followed. If you believe a company infringes on your rights, you can contact them at no cost. In this, we explain the supervisory authorities and help you find to correct one to contact if you want to lodge a complaint.

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Your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR grants you extensive rights with regard to data protection. For example, every company in the EU is required to tell you what personal data they have stored on you. If the data is incorrect, they have to correct it. You may even request that the data be deleted again. Find out more in this article.

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A quick overview of

A quick overview of

Every company in the EU is required by law to grant access to your personal data, the ability to have it corrected or even deleted and more. Here at, we want to help you exercise these rights. In this post, we want to give you a quick overview of the project.

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